Marquee Letters

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Customize your message, with our Marquee Letters signs, you can display it on the floor or against a wall. We have any colors, fonts and size optional for your Marquee Letters and any material surface for background that can match according to the colors of your theme.

Our standard and most popular 3D marquee letters. These are made from 1/2" wood and have a solid white opaque LED bulb. These bulbs are just as white as the letter itself. Our bulbs use very little energy, do not break, and will not burn out. Letters are free-standing, stackable up to three tiers. The backs are fully enclosed so there are no exposed wires. These are lightweight and can easily be moved. A sedan will hold about 5 letters while a full size SUV is large enough to carry about 10 letters. These need to plug in to an electrical outlet; we will provide a cord up to 15' in length.

We also offer 4' marquees with different font but since it will require bendable plywood they are $225 each.

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